Economic Timesأخبار اقتصادية

When is the best time to start an SIP? Just go on a blind date

While starting a SIP investors have a lot of questions, like which date to choose to earn better returns, when to start a SIP, which fund to choose while making investments, what is the ideal time horizon for SIP, what SIP frequency to choose and whether they should stop SIP if market is not doing well and many other questions.

WhiteOak Capital Mutual Fund aims to help the investors to make better-informed decisions for their investments.
The report highlights that the volatility reduces as the investors increase their investment horizon. In other words, the longer the investment horizon, the higher is the probability of receiving decent returns.

ETMarkets.comAn investor should accept that it is impossible to predict the exact top or bottom of the market cycle. One should create and follow a valuation checklist whenever one deviates from their strategic asset allocation. This helps investors to reduce portfolio-level volatility up to some extent while they are making investments in the equity market.

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